
Christmas In The Dining Room

I never had the time to show our dining room/sitting room area before Christmas but now that all of the holiday hustle and bustle has eased I managed to get some pictures taken.

The large antique water pitcher is a new purchase. I bought it over Thanksgiving break in Brooklyn on Small Business Saturday.  American Express always has incentives on SBS (last year I bought the hemp table runner, seen here but that shop closed sadly) and this year they refunded $10 for every purchase over $10 up to three times. The pitcher was $20 so with the refund it only cost me $10!

I love changing up what I put in the unit Neal built me, this year little ironstone pitchers seemed like the perfect thing.

A new extra large ironstone platter that I just bought for a steal found it's home on my dining room table.

My niece used lanterns as center pieces for her wedding instead of flowers and we all ended up with one. I took one of the white ones (shocking I know) because I knew it would be perfect come Christmas.

I can't believe it is time to take all of the Christmas stuff down already, I feel like I just got it all up:) This December was so busy that I never actually got to enjoy all the decorations. I will definitely be leaving up the pine boughs and all of the greens for a couple more weeks this year.

Over the past four months I haven't slept more than two solid hours with out Millie waking and it was starting to catch up with me. However, Millie only woke for one feeding the last couple of nights so the cob webs in my brain have begun to clear and I feel like a have a new lease on life! I have lots of decorating/renovation ideas that I really hope to get to in the new year so stay tuned! And I got some really amazing gifts for Christmas this year that I can't wait to share with you!  I hope you had a wonderful holiday season, happy new year!

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