
Farmhouse Inspiration ~ Staying Warm and Cozy

Since a lot of the country is being swept by snow storms and frigid cold temperatures I decided to make this "Farmhouse Inspiration" post all about staying warm and cozy!!! For me nothing means warm and cozy more than soft and warm quilts and lots of candles!!!

I found the beautiful quilt above at  The Vintage Market show we did in Monroe, Michigan in the fall and the gorgeous one below I bought at the last Springfield, Ohio Antique Show   that we did in September. There are always so many beautiful quilts at the Springfield Show but this all white one was calling my name.

I know I said this last winter but the outside is so beautiful here this time of year that I like to keep the inside super simple so that the outside seen through all of our big windows is really what you see when you move from room to room. Most days it really does feel like we live in a giant snow globe.

We took our Christmas tree down this morning but we always move it to the back porch so that we can continue to enjoy it even after Christmas is over. I always feel so badly for the tree, I mean it spent all those years growing just perfectly and then its life is suddenly cut short so that it can be someone's Christmas tree for a couple of weeks. I feel like if we can continue to enjoy it for a while longer then maybe its not such a wasteful thing to have cut one down.

Today the high is 5 degrees and we have a couple feet of snow so it is definitely a stay inside kind of day. This is one of my favorite times of the year because with only the inside of the house to focus on and no desire to go anywhere in a blizzard my creative juices really get flowing and I can get so much done in a day. Although Neal may feel a little differently as he is the one that does all of the shoveling and plowing! On that note I can't wait to show you guys all that we are working on...I hope to get a blog post up this week showing our progress on the master bedroom!

Until next time stay warm!!!

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