
Happy Spring

Happy first day of spring! It is still very cold and snowy here but those warmer temperatures are just around the corner and I can't wait to start working outside again. In the meantime I have been trying to add some spring to the inside of the house with a light fresh feel.

This time of year with all of the holidays, birthdays and family get togethers means lots of baking for me.

I love this old masher with it's original white paint that my mom recently gave me.

 Here is a little peek at a dry sink I recently found at the Goodwill for $30 and gave a much needed makeover. I will do a post all about it soon, but in the meantime I couldn't help photographing it!

I am especially excited to put some potted plants on the front porch this being the first year that it is worthy of some. I just bought some big galvanized metal tubs that I think will be perfect for all of  my ivy that is longing to be planted.

 I am finishing up the dining room blog post and also this weeks inspiration post! Until next time friends and happy spring!

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