
Our Home Is In Flea Market Decor!

One of my very favorite things to do is sit at my kitchen table in the morning with a cup of coffee and a big stack of decorating magazines. Well that is just what I am doing this morning and I can't believe it but our home is in one of the magazines in the stack!

 Our home is in the newest Flea Market Decor issue! I was contacted during the summer by them about being in the magazine but I wasn't sure when the issue was due out. Yesterday one of my lovely blog followers Isabella informed me that she saw our house in the magazine! I had Neal stop on his way home from work at Walmart and sure enough there was the issue. He was so excited he bought 6 issues:) The issue is the December/January one with 321 Ideas for Holiday Decorating on the front. We are SO honored and SO pleased with the way the spread came out!

To be honest I was worried that it wasn't even going to actually happen because last Christmas another magazine had contacted us to possibly be in their Christmas issue. They had me submit tons of photos (the week of Christmas as if that is not a hectic week as it is) and I ran around for 2 weeks trying to make everything perfect in the event they came to take photographs. Turned out they decided to go with another home without even telling us. It actually turned out for the better though because that is right when I found out I was pregnant and I was SOOOOO tired and if photographers had been coming here I would have been so overwhelmed. Everything in it's time right? As for now I have a permanent smile on my face, to know that some of what I do might inspire other people means more to me than anyone could know:)  Now go get your copy!

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