
I Need A Clone

I think I said the same thing last year at this time but Spring always makes me wish I had a clone. That way one of me could work outside and one of me could work inside. There is always so much to do this time of year and just not enough hours in the day. I LOVE working out in my yard and have spent the last week edging, weeding and mulching. What I don't love is coming in at 7 in the evening and having all the dirt that was tracked in stick to your feet because you haven't had time to wash the floor in the last couple of days and having the piles of stuff you bought at the flea market scattered all about. Needless to say I don't have much time for blogging in the Spring. And I wish I did because I have found so many great things over the past couple of weeks that I am dying to share with you guys. I have really lucked out at estate sales and the flea market, lots of stuff to sell and lots of stuff to keep:)

Here is some the stuff I bought at the flea market yesterday.

When I am not working outside I have been working on getting Eli's new room painted so that I can start the baby's room. In the meantime I have a huge pile of stuff accumulating outside the nursery and I can't wait to get started on it!

Here is a sneak peek at some of the items I have for the baby's room.

My viburnum is in full bloom so I made sure I found the time to take some pictures of the beautiful blossoms. 

I am also making some finishing touches to my sewing/craft room so that I can share it with you sometime soon so stay tuned for that! 

And MANY THANKS to Jennifer over at Town and Country Living for featuring our home in her Charming Farmhouse Series! What an unbelievable honor! 

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